Monday, December 17, 2012

Godspeed by Cindy Holtzclaw

1 Peter 5:7 NKJV
Cast all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. 
It was September 2004 as our family returned from Wisconsin.  We were there to celebrate my parents’ 50th wedding anniversary.  It had been a great celebration even if you count the 100° weather and my parents’ lack of air conditioning.

When my husband returned to work, he was sent out of town for a couple of weeks.  This wasn’t unusual given he was an engineer.  When he returned from his short trip, he was sent out of town for 4 – 6 weeks.
 We took it in stride.  After all, our eldest was graduated from college and on her own.  The twins were in their freshman year of college.  Our youngest was in high school.  Life was humming along quite well. 

Two years later my husband came home for the weekend as he had been doing since taking the assignment.  The 4 – 6 weeks had become two plus years.  My husband took me aside to tell me the latest news.  I could sense his tension.

The company he was temporarily consulting with was pleased with the arrangement currently in place and wanted to make it permanent.  Surely, this was good news as the economy was crashing and lay-offs were looming!

“Okay but you seemed concerned.” I offered.

“They will make it permanent if I am part of the package!  We would have to sell the house and move.”

Anxiety flooded me.  We were the “home base” for our four children.  We were a blended family and the other parents were not as stable.  My in-laws were in their mid to late 70’s and while still independent, we loved being only a mile away.  My father-in-law had already had a heart attack.

Not to mention we were within a few short years of our home being paid in full!  A move would mean a new mortgage and …”Stop!” I heard the Lord say. “You are my children, I will not leave you alone.”

My husband accepted the permanent position.  We moved in on December 23, 2004.  It was a Christmas of a maze of unpacked boxes.  But what this move brought us was a home we love, friends closer than we’ve ever had and a church home like none other in our 116 years of combined church life.

Dear Father,
You are so wise and know what we need always.
Please help me remember your love always, especially when Christmas doesn’t feel like Christmas.

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