Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Emmanuel “God With Us” - by Rev. Debra Quilling Smith

“Be still and know that I am God.”          -  Psalm 46:10
“Behold a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel  which means God with us.”           -  Matthew  1:23

     While in seminary, I discovered, was challenged and inspired by the writings and life of a monk known simply as Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection.  Brother Lawrence lived in the 1600s and impressed upon all followers of Christ to “practice the presence of God”.  I have spent my years of life since seeking to follow his example of a living faith.

     As we celebrate Christmas, the birthday of our Messiah, the Son of God, who now lives forever with us, I want to remind us all to “practice the presence of God”.  In all our days, may we let our thoughts drift often to remembering God is with us – speak from your heart and with your lips acknowledging  God’s awesome presence and God’s abiding love.  Seek to give thanks with every breath and punctuate your prayers with repentance, God hears and knows and cares.

     Our God is present! That is the promise of Christmas, dear friends.  Jesus is our Emmanuel and in the words of one of our much loved affirmations of faith:
“God is with us, we are not alone, thanks be to God!”

        With joy in the birth and the resurrection of our Lord,
Pastor Debra

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