Tuesday, December 6, 2016

"I just want to ride my tricycle and other things said in Book Club" by Lacy Ngo

How to describe the gift the St. John’s women’s book club? We have read many different books and learned so much about God and ourselves through the process. As I was reading the last book, “For the Love,” I realized just what a gift the St. John’s women’s book club has been to me. When the author, Jen Hatmaker, talked about how important her supper club friendships had become, I thought to myself, 'I want something like that.' Then it occurred to me that I have THAT with the ladies of the book club. They have become such a treasure and blessing in my life. Whether the ladies come for the first time, every time, or come whenever they can, I enjoy spending time with every one of them.

I love that everyone is so honest. All comments are accepted. We are learning and thinking with each other. The words form these ladies are so thought provoking that I always wish I had taken more notes after the book club is over. I get so into our talks that I never write down as much as I wanted. So here are just a few words of wisdom, my book club friends have shared throughout the year:

“Sometimes we feel guilty about saying 'no' to anything. Instead of trying to do everything, we need to try to focus on what God is calling us to do.  If you say, “yes” out of obligation or guilt instead of saying "yes" because God is calling you, then you could be taking away someone else’s call. I find that God provides a way for you to help in areas in which you have a passion or interest." Beverly Marks

“We live in a “right now” culture. We want God to tell us now, but sometimes God wants us to be patient. While we wait, we grow.” Lollie Haselden

“It is not always about overcoming, it is about learning.” Betsy Woodlief

 “It is okay or your kids to see you struggle and lean on God” Beverly Marks

“When you really devote your life to prayer and being in the word, amazing things happen. If you don’t take the time to listen, you may not hear Him.” Elizabeth Morgan

“Sometimes we fill lead to go somewhere to serve, but sometimes you bloom where you are planted.” Beverly Marks

Okay here is one more actual quote from Book club just for fun:

 “I just want to ride my adult tricycle, go get on the treadmill, and go home and clean. It's a perfect day!" Lacy Ngo

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