Tuesday, September 20, 2016

When Spouses Get the SAME Call by Lacy Ngo

On one busy Sunday morning, my children and I hurried into church ready to find our seats for the service. My husband, Chad, who sometimes plays guitar for the service, was already at church. As we walked into the church, I noticed a large table filled with pictures of adorable children from all over the world. I made a mental note to check out the table later. After church, I went to the table and learned that the children pictured were children in need of a sponsor. Once you signed up to sponsor a child, you would send the child’s family much needed money as well as notes and letters of encouragement. I was immediately drawn to a little boy named Matt. I wanted to sponsor him, but knew I needed to see if my husband would want to sponsor someone as well. I asked Chad if he wanted to go over to the table and check it out. I didn’t want to pressure Chad or convince him to choose Matt. When we walked over to the table with probably 30 to 40 children’s pictures, Chad picked up Matt’s picture and said he would like to sponsor him. I ecstatically exclaimed  "He is who I chose!!" I couldn’t believe it! We both chose Matt on our own! We knew Matt was the child we should sponsor. We still continue to sponsor and pray for Matt and his family today. 

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